(778) 200-7471 gnosis@gnosisbc.com


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Gnosis of Valentine

Wednesday February 14th 7 - 9 PM PT 

In-person at BC Gnostic Centre 529 E Broadway (upstairs above Dr. Kwak Acupuncture, next to Kims Mart) and simultaneously Online Event via Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9015728250?pwd=eUFrcGNyck9sSmorY0hjb0tjdFBHZz09

Talk and practice on the Gnosis of Valentine and cultivating love. We will explore and take into meditative practice 9 specific qualities of love taught by the mystic, St. Paul, through his famous passage in 1Corinthians 13, with the aim of awakening the virtues of the heart.

Valentine's Day is in commemoration of the Gnostic, St. Valentine. Valentinus' teacher imparted to him the mystical and esoteric teachings of the Apostle Paul. The teachings of St. Paul created a lineage, philosophy and practice of love.

Donations appreciated via e-transfer, PayPal or Venmo to gnosis@gnosisbc.com
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Guided meditation practice in the final 15 minutes of the recording, to create space within for solar principles to fill and motivate us.


Recent Class Recording & Practice:

Balance the 3 Brains/5 Centres described during the class. Final 15 minutes is a guided practice of transmutation and presence/purification in the 5 centres. 

Recommended Class Recordings

“Whosoever wants to awaken the consciousness in the Superior Worlds must begin by awakening it in the here and now.”

V.M. Samael Aun Weor

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education

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We  will explore, discuss and experience the fundamental factors that allow meditation and self-realization to be born within us. Beginning with a deeper understanding of an ethical base of thinking, feeling and living to  important physical and energetic aspects, we will elucidate and practice the foundations that lead to deeper meditation and a more mindful, peaceful, and liberated life.
Gnostic Kabbalah

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Gnostic Alchemy

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The science of love and transformation. Explore the ancient science, art and wisdom of the Alchemists of the west and Tantrics of the east. Both seek to bring us to the ultimate fulfillment of human existence: a purified soul, marked by the spontaneous expression of pure and selfless compassion.  The format of this course is a classroom setting with a lecture including images/art, meditation practices and questions. In terms of specific energy work or alchemical/tantric work for couples, we will simply introduce these ideas in discussion/lecture format.
Chakras: Occult Psychology and Anatomy

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Integrate spirit, matter and psychology. At the point where Western Science meets Eastern Philosophy, within the micro-laboratory of the human endocrine system, we find the marvelous world of the chakras. These magnetic centers have been spoken of in many traditions under various names, and are continually integrating spirit, matter and psychology within us. We will study and work with the psychology and energy of the chakras throughout this intensive course.
Dream Yoga and Gnostic Psychology

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We will learn timeless wisdom and techniques to deepen our conscious daily living. When consistently applied, these techniques give birth to a very natural awakening within the superior dimensions of nature, including the astral plane. This course includes methods for lucid dreaming, dream recall and interpretation which can unlock a beautiful source of untapped knowledge about oneself and one’s world.
Karma and the Mysteries of Life and Death

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Many people associate Karma as something bad but it simply relates to the consequence of an action. When our actions align with our True Being it reveals itself as a Cosmic Law for the purpose of helping us achieve our highest human potential, Self Realization. Topics include:

  • The Law of Cause and Effect
  • The Laws of Return, Recurrence and Reincarnation
  • Human Evolution, Involution and Spiritual Revolution
  • The mysteries and processes of life and death
  • Mercy and the negotiation of Karma
Mysteries of Christmas

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Throughout the world the birth of Jesus of Nazareth is celebrated. But what do we truly know of this divine man and what he came to teach and show us through his life and sacrifice? We will share the esoteric Christian perspective on who is the Christ in his 3-fold aspect as the divine man, as a personal and intimate Jesus connected with each human being and as a Cosmic Christic principle. We will also explore the message and meaning of the archetypes called Mary and what is her intimate teaching for each of us. We will share the esoteric meaning of many Christmas-related symbols and traditions.
Esoteric Easter

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For millennia humanity has been celebrating fertility and renewal in spring. Join us as we look at the different traditions and see how they connect and culminate with modern Christian practices along with their deep esoteric mysteries. We will show how to practically apply teachings in scripture for the purpose of psychological and spiritual transformation.
The Gnosis of Halloween

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The religious and cultural holidays that we observe in the present day often have very deep and mystical roots and are connected to natural laws and cycles that revealed the presence of the Divine within daily life. Halloween is such a day. In the past, this time of the year was held sacred in that it represented a movement from the exterior warmth, growth and production of the summer months toward the interior reflection and search for warmth inside one’s own family, home, heart, and soul.  We will explore the practical and mystical teachings within the symbols and traditions of this holiday, as well as their ancient origins.

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